Jun 5Liked by Daniel R. Street

I had no idea what they’ve done to Sidney Powell. She’s never discussed it on “Defending the Republic.” She’s an incredible woman! Thanks for giving us the details.

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Thank you. She endured a lot. She is incredible. There is a lot more to the story, so stay tuned!

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Thanks Daniel. I have 2 major issues/questions regarding Powell.

1. Why did she aggressively push the "Kraken" narrative after the 2020 election? She was the one actively promoting a story that there was a CIA gunfight in Europe where the CIA head was injured or something. Smells like she was being used to push out disinformation that would discredit the legitimate election issues.

2. Why did she falsely include Lin Wood in her lawsuits? Wood had to publicly disavow himself and clearly state he was never part of her lawsuits, and Powell finally removed his name. Wood is a prolific attorney and is highly suspicious of Powell (probably justified).

Finally, I'm also not a fan of Flynn. He and his supporters have been actively attacking and threatening Lin Wood and his family. Add that to Flynn leading a church in a new age (Satanic?) prayer of the seven rays of light, and he's not a person I trust.

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Good question about the Kraken narrative. I did not deal with that simply because of the pending defamation suits with Dominion and Smartmatic. Sidney Powell could not comment on those issues due to the litigation.

Mr. Wood filed a motion for admission pro hac vice (latin meaning "for this occasion") in Arizona, so he could clearly intended to be involved in that suit. Mr. Wood participated in the emergency hearing with Sidney Powell on November 29, 2020 in the Pearson v. Kemp case, so he clearly intended to be involved in that one as well.

In the Michigan case, the court found Lin Wood was knowingly listed as plaintiff's counsel, though Mr. Wood did contend (during the sanctions hearing in July 2021) that he was not aware his name was listed as "of counsel" for the plaintiffs on the Michigan suit. The court in the Michigan case sanctioned him finding he knew and intended to be listed as plaintiff's counsel on the case, because (1) he posted to social media about the effort to sanction him on January 5, 2021 and (2) stated in another case in NY on January 11, 2021 that the City of Detroit was trying to get him disbarred in the Michigan case and (3) represented in pleadings filed in the Delaware Supreme Court that he "represented plaintiffs challenging the results of the 2020 election" in Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia. (This is all discussed in the MI court's sanction order. The next article I post will have a link to it.)

Clearly, Mr. Wood was not falsely included on the pleadings in Powell's Arizona (since he petitioned the court to be allowed admission to handle the case) or Georgia (since he appeared at hearings) cases, meanwhile the Michigan court found he was knowingly on the pleadings there as well.

I am unaware of Gen. Flynn having anything to do with satanic prayer or attacking Lin Wood, but I admittedly do not follow him very closely.

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Jun 10Liked by Daniel R. Street

Thanks Daniel for taking the time to reply.

My sense is that either Powell was duped into putting out disinformation, or she works for a side that is against the Patriot movement. And having weighed all the evidence, I trust Lin Wood more than Powell or Flynn at this point.

Search "seven rays of light" prayer of Flynn. He led a church congregation in a prayer that has its roots in a New Age cult leader that was def. not Christian.

Wood and other accounts have posted quite a bit of material, including text messages, emails, etc., of Flynn's close associates directly threatening Wood and his direct family members.

I try to keep an open mind and go where the evidence leads. There's no question some in the America First movement are working to undermine it from within.

But thanks again for your hard work. Enjoy your interviews on Baris. God bless.

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I do not know much about Lin Wood and would not speculate about his motives. I will look into the prayer you mention regarding Gen. Flynn. I never heard of that.

For my part, I try to "keep my powder dry," so to speak, when it comes to other conservatives.

Gen. Flynn was clearly abused as part of the FBI/DOJ scheme to undermine the Trump Administration. Whatever their motives, Powell and Wood are also victims of law fare waged by the left. All three share that commonality. That makes me inclined to defend all three.

Thank you for the comments and for reading my scribbles.

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